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Man School - Week #2: Go & Do - Homework Response

Week #2: Go & Do Response

Your feedback is EXTREMELY valuable! 

It will help us better understand the men at Man School AND evaluate the assignments. 

Also, repetition helps with memory and impact.

We may have under-estimated the time required to complete this survey. It may take slightly longer than 15 minutes.

If it makes you feel better, this survey took ~4 hours to create!

1. You *This question is required.
2. Week #2: Go & Do Homework - Please select the answer that best applies... *This question is required.
3. Go & Do: How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following. *This question is required.
Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
My heart breaks for people IN MY LIFE that don't have a relationship with Jesus as Savior. *This question is required
I feel satisfied with how I am "missional" in my daily life. *This question is required
I currently support mission workers with financial support. *This question is required
I feel comfortable sharing the Gospel with others. *This question is required
There is no "correct religion". *This question is required
I feel comfortable sharing my testimony with others. *This question is required
People that do not confess Jesus as Savior will spend eternity disconnected from God, in hell. *This question is required
I want to connect with Sandals mission workers for prayer support. *This question is required
I currently support mission workers with prayer support. *This question is required
I am going to more strategically invest my time, talent, and treasure to glorify God. *This question is required
I want to connect with Sandals mission workers for financial support. *This question is required
I regularly share the Gospel with others. *This question is required
My heart breaks for people I HAVE NEVER MET that lack have a relationship with Jesus as Savior. *This question is required
People that are not similar to me make me feel nervous or uncomfortable. *This question is required
I have considered moving overseas for mission work. *This question is required
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