This exercise will be completed TWICE in preparation for week #4. Spend 20 minutes each time.

Get into a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. Have an open posture, head and heart, before God. You can even pray the words, “Lord, I open myself to you.” Be sure to listen carefully to your own internal motivations and to God, as you pray through these things.

Begin with identifying with God how you feel about spiritual disciplines (or spiritual exercises) such as prayer, reading the Bible, journaling, fasting, etc. Surrender both positive and negative past experiences. Then begin a conversation with God about spending time with Him; that God would give you a new perspective on the importance of time with Him. Ask Him some questions like, “Lord, to what degree am I willing to spend time with You? What is the benefit to spending time with you? What might the impact to my life look like?”

Next, surrender your time and calendar to Him. Be willing to take all your current commitments and put them aside. Talk to God about those things in your life that are in the way of you spending time with Him. Ask God some questions like, “God, what are some of those things I do that fill space where I could be spending time with you? What would it look like for me to re-arrange my calendar so that we can have time together? Lord, what would it look like for me to focus more on You?”

Lastly, make an increased commitment to the process of being formed in Christ’s image. This means that you are committing to go through whatever exercises, process, and difficulties necessary to grow as a Christian. Ask God to change your heart, mind, and desires to more closely match His.

Close your time with the Lord by thanking Him for spending time with you.